How can I overcome nerves before an interview?

Simple, earnest question: How can I overcome nerves before an interview? Simple, effective answer: Try the 3Ps 1. PREPARATION: Apart from doing what it it is expected to do, i.e. making us more prepared, it does something else that is important. Many of us suffer from...

“I love you”

You may have heard these words in countless movies. What almost always precedes these simple three words is the hero’s (or heroine’s) struggle to actually spout these out – just convert thought and emotion to sound.  Well, sometimes whole movies and romantic novels...

Discussing Covid in job interviews

@Candidates You are doing yourself a disservice if you aren’t prepared for discussing Covid in some form during job interviews. For the next couple of years at least. Here are some areas you should prepare discussion points on. Early career interviews:  impact on you...